G. H. Burkett & Co. c. 1890
King Street c. 1915
King Street c. 1885

Bridgewater boasts a great variety of architectural styles and features, which are generally not noticeable at first glance. Its merchants, entrepreneurs, and professionals created many homes of magnificent construction and craftsmanship. It is important to preserve these buildings so that they can be appreciated by future generations!

The Heritage Property Act was passed in 1980, and amended in 1990. The purpose of this Act is to identify and protect built heritage--buildings, structures, districts--of historic, architectural and cultural value, and to encourage the continued use of this resource.  

The Act also authorizes municipalities to establish a registry of locally significant heritage properties, by adoption of a Heritage By-Law. Properties are registered by authority of the Municipal Council, on the recommendation of a Heritage Advisory Committee.

To substantially alter or demolish a municipally registered heritage property, owners must obtain the approval of the Municipal Council. Failing to obtain such permission, an owner may notify in writing the Municipality of the intended alteration, wait one year, and then undertake these alterations without penalty.
