Wood was the dominant medium of construction in 19th- and early 20th-century Nova Scotia. However, it should be noted that not all buildings were designed in a single historical style. Although the basic front-gabled style of Classical Revival was pervasive in 19th-century Antigonish, many buildings incorporated features selectively and often blended different styles. Eclecticism, exemplified by a mixture of various stylistic forms within the same building, was a typical characteristic of 19th-century architecture.
NEO-CLASSICAL c. 1810-1830
inspired by British Georgian designs
- balanced proportions
low pitched roof
centrally located door with semi-elliptical or fanlight door transom
often includes classically detailed
pediment and columns
New England antecedents
usually 1 1/2 storey wood, brick or stone structure with almost square plan
centred doorway with transom
small plain dormers or Scottish 5-sided dormers or large tringular dormer integrated into roof line
unadorned exterior with minimal trim
shingled or clapboard exterior
extension added to rear or side
emphasis on straight line and symmetry
1 1/2 or 2 1/2 storeys
medium or steeply pitched gable roof or hip roof
often features a central pedimented porch or portico
central door accented by rectangular transom and sidelights
popular designs include temple-fronted buildings
another popular design is front gable plan. With this design, the house is placed on short-side facing street and the door is off centre because of narrow width of plan. Popular for narrow street frontages; favoured by developing towns and cities.
decorative classical features include dentils, returned eaves, pilasters, flat or pedimented hoods over windows
GOTHIC REVIVAL c. 1850 to 1870
emphasis on the vertical line
main objective is visual effect rather than balance and symmetry
one-and-a-half storey
pointed arched windows and door openings are dominating features
sharply pitched roofs with numerous gables
use of decorative "gingerbread" wood trim on veranda [treillage] or vergeboards along eaves. Much trim was mass produced by machines.
Gothic or Modified-Gothic with ell and front porch continued to be built in rural Canada into the 1890s.
ITALIANATE c. 1850S TO 1870S
two-storeys high
blocky and square in appearance
often includes square tower or projecting central section [frontispiece]
low pitched hip roof
wide eaves with prominent decorative brackets
round-headed window and door openings as decorative accents
often features veranda and cupola which crowns main structure
details of style used in both rural and urban houses and commercial buildings well into 20th century
SECOND EMPIRE c. 1860s to 1880s
mansard roof which permits full use of top floor space and eliminates sloping ceilings of gable roof
irregular building outline
sometimes includes decorative iron cresting on roof tops
sometimes features projecting centre towers and first- or second-storey bay windows
QUEEN ANNE REVIVAL c. 1885 to 1900
eclectic and asymmetrical in outline
steep roof and tall chimneys
two or more storeys high
often includes two-storey bays
circular tower usually offset with candle-snuffer peaked roof
often includes prominent projecting or eyebrow dormers
shaped verandah
façade, especially front gable, covered in variety of contrasting decorative shingle patterns
Romanesque Revival
heavy rough-textured masonry
asymmetrical design
often incorporates round towers
wide arched windows and door openings, heavily accented with ornate detailing
style largely confined to churches and administrative buildings erected in post-1880 period
Beaux Arts
stylized classical proportions and details
theatrical and monumental in design
irregular roofline
steeply pitched gables
multiple tall chimneys
evokes images of 14th- and 15th- century French chateau and early Quebec prototypes
emphasis on solidity and balance
square plan
two storeys high
pyramidal hipped roof
usually includes columned veranda
front dormer
sometimes features large off-centre doorway
most popular form of the foursquare was the "Eastbourne" which was available in pre-cut form.