- Land originally owned by William Oakes (may have built house); he operated oxen-teams that would haul schooners the 2.5 mile journey to Bridgewater to avoid raising sails or using a coach
- Built c. 1844 by Obediah Parker, a tanner from Bridgetown operating tannery on nearby brook
- 1859 to 1885 owned by Hebbs (David until1863, Abraham, then Aaron 1863-1885), tanners and farmers
- Owned by Charles and then William Kemp m1885-1894, carpenters
- 1894 bought by Captain Jacob Crouse, captain of S.S. Bridgewater (ship that travelled from Bridgewater to Halifax)
- Owned by daughter Maude E. Dagleish until her death in 1978.
- In late 19th century, this end of town was the “manufacturing centre of the county” with a shipyard, steam mill, blacksmith shop, furniture factory, three foundries, four factories, several gang mills