- The indications of the age of this house are interesting ones; the oversized, two storey projecting bay gives a unique and somewhat eccentric look to the house, and the bay window and surviving clapboards and trim elements on the northern gable end particularly give an indication of the overall original character. However, modern renovations have completely obscured the building's original character.
- Robert West, a merchant, lived around the corner at #11 Pleasant Street and this house #32 Dufferin may have been a second house on his property. Freelove and Robert Lamb purchased the property in 1890 for $1,000, a price which certainly suggests the existence of a building of some kind. Lamb, a noted contractor built other houes in the area including #28 Dufferin Street, and #30 and #32 Phoenix Street. Robert Lamb was thought to be the finest contractor of his time and his many successes include St. Joseph's catholic Church, railway stations on the Caledonia Branch Line and work on rebuilding the town after the "Great Fire".