45 Dufferin

Address: 45 Dufferin St.

Heritage Status: None
Built: 1890 Builder/Architect: Unknown
Style: Greek Revival


  • This mid 19th century house is still quite intact even though it has been in commercial use for many years. Of note are the main door with its sidelights; transom and prominent bracketed hood; windows iwth prominent bracketed hoods, and a round-headed attic window. 


  • Ariel Feindel, a liveryman, owned the adjacent proprety down as far as St. Andrews Street. The house at #2 St. Andrews Street is shown on the A. F. Church Map (c.1883). This house was probably built between 1886, when Ariel Feindel acquired title to the property and 1898, when he died. The house remained in the Feindel family until 1972. 

Source: Built Heritage Files, DesBrisay Museum
