In order to register your property the following steps must be completed:
- Complete the “Application To Register a Heritage Property”.
- Attach proof of ownership of the property.
- Attach photographs of the property from all sides and close ups of any unique architectural features.
- A deed search of the property is very helpful. Check with DesBrisay Museum to see if research and a deed search have already been completed on your property.
- Check local newspapers of the time of your building construction for possible information on construction, local builders of the day, planning announcements. Check wills of early owners for information on the property and its owners. Check historic information on owners for possible significance, careers, business ownership, political involvement, etc.
- Provide copies of sources of information about the architecture, history, important figures or owners, significance and date built.
- Provide one contact person (in the case of an organization) that the Heritage Advisory Committee can communicate with including daytime and evening phone numbers and year round addresses.
- Questions you might wish to answer in completing your application are:
Materials used in the construction, original construction cost, repairs needed to restore the building, is the building on the original site, has the exterior been structurally altered, were there any other buildings removed from the properties, how do other buildings in the area compare to your building in terms of age, style, etc., are there significant architectural features including construction, design, alterations, condition, style, history of ownership?
For Registering a Heritage Property, please contact the Town of Bridgewater’s Planning Department:
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Phone: 902-541-4369
- Completion and submission of Application for Registration.
- Receipt of Application and circulation to Council, Heritage Advisory Committee, Civic File.
- Council receives application and refers to Heritage Advisory Committee by motion.
- Heritage Advisory Committee reviews, evaluates, and researches application. Develops recommendation to approve or deny.
- Council reviews Heritage Advisory Committee report.
- If there is a Heritage advisory Committee recommendation to deny and it is accepted the process ends.
- Property owner officially notified of proposed registration.
- Receipt of owner's response. Hearing as required.
- Council considers response. Council may ratify Heritage Advisory Committee recommendation.
- If registration is denied the process ends.
- Council registers property. Filing of registration in municipal registry, registry of deeds and to owner. Application files to civic file.
Steps 1-3: Up to 21 days
Steps 3-5: Not more than 30 days
Step 7-8: No less than 21 days
Step 8-9: No less than 9 days
TOTAL PROCESS: No more than 120 days
Property in application cannot be altered or demolished for 120 days following application to Town Council.