PROCLAMATION >>> Wear Red Canada Day in the Town of Bridgewater
WHEREAS, Heart disease is the number one killer of women worldwide and the leading cause of premature death for Canadian women, a fact unknown to many women and their healthcare providers; and
WHEREAS, The Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance is an organization of volunteer health professionals and patients working hard to improve women’s heart health; and
WHEREAS, Wear Red Canada Day is celebrated annually to raise awareness for all Canadians, but especially Canadian women, to be mindful, curious, and proactive in the management of their heart health and wellness; and
WHEREAS, We want to see better prevention, diagnosis, and care, and fewer women dying prematurely from heart disease;
THEREFORE, I, Mayor David Mitchell, on behalf of the Town of the Town of Bridgewater, do hereby proclaim February 13, 2025, Wear Red Canada Day in the Town of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Sidewalk conditions, freeze-thaw wintertime reminder
The wintery weather we have experienced overnight and so far today is a good reminder of the impacts of the rapid freeze-thaw cycle that we often experience here on the South Shore during the colder months.
Over the past week, we’ve seen temperatures as low as -17 degrees and as high as a few degrees above zero.
With that in mind, we wish to remind residents and visitors that conditions can change quickly during winter and we ask folks to proceed accordingly with caution when heading out on foot or by wheel.
Today, the Town of Bridgewater’s Public Works crews are actively salting our 35-plus kilometres of sidewalks and turning areas using our equipment, and hand-salting areas such as the Old Bridge sidewalk that our larger equipment cannot service.
Please keep in mind that temperatures are forecast to drop back to the -10 degree range tonight.
Bridgewater wins national award for programs to cut emissions, reduce energy poverty
Town of Bridgewater wins national award for programs to cut emissions, reduce energy poverty
Issued: JANUARY 27, 2025
BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA -- The Town of Bridgewater in southwest Nova Scotia has received a prestigious 2024 Sustainable Communities Award from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). Bridgewater is one of nine winning municipalities from across Canada, and the only one from Atlantic Canada, the FCM announced on January 27.
This award recognizes ongoing work by Energize Bridgewater, an initiative of the Town of Bridgewater that works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address energy affordability in rural communities.
Held since 2001, the Sustainable Communities Awards celebrate the most innovative and sustainable projects by Canadian communities of all sizes. Energize Bridgewater won in the climate change mitigation category. This award “recognizes municipal initiatives that drive deep reductions in community greenhouse gas emissions,” according to the FCM.
“We are proud of this made-in-Nova Scotia approach to the urgent problem of climate change,” says Bridgewater’s Mayor David Mitchell. “Our small town is showing how Canada can transition from fossil fuels in ways that respect all members of society, including the most vulnerable.”
Energize Bridgewater’s approach centers on “energy poverty” as a key part of climate change mitigation. Energy poverty exists when households cannot afford to maintain healthy indoor temperatures or access energy-saving upgrades and renovations. A common measure of energy poverty is when a household spends more than 6 percent of its income on energy for the home.
“Approximately 38 percent of Bridgewater’s households were living in energy poverty in 2022,” explains Energize Bridgewater Director, Jessica McDonald. “This shocking number shows that energy poverty and climate change are inextricably linked.”
Energize Bridgewater aims to reduce the community’s energy poverty rate by 20 percent by 2026 using three core innovations:
- Coordinated access is a central intake or “front door” to assist residents experiencing housing insecurity. The program provides housing placement, help with energy bill arrears, and other services. To date, 686 households have used these services.
- Streamlined home energy upgrades means a single access point for all provincial and federal energy upgrade incentives. To date, 182 Bridgewater households have upgrades completed or in progress. Those with completed upgrades save over $600 per year on average.
- Real-time energy information allows residents to track household energy use alongside indoor/outdoor air quality and temperature. Developed in Bridgewater and currently in the pilot stage, this new technology helps residents make better decisions about energy use and upgrade options.
Key to all three innovations is a Program Navigator who provides confidential, in-person, trauma-informed support for residents at all stages of Energize Bridgewater programs.
Winners of the Sustainable Communities Awards will attend the awards ceremony at the FCM conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick, from February 10-13, 2025.
Media Contact: Patrick Hirtle, Manager of Community Attraction & Communications:
Phone: 902-930-1382
Community Background: With a population of approximately 9,000, Bridgewater is the largest town in Nova Scotia’s South Shore region. Bridgewater has pledged to become a net zero community (zero carbon emissions) by 2050. In 2019, the Town won the $5 million Smart Cities Challenge for their proposal to reduce energy poverty.
For more information on Energize Bridgewater, visit
For more information on this award, see the FCM Media Release and Backgrounder:
Proclamation > International Day of Persons with Disabilities
>>> International Day of Persons with Disabilities
WHEREAS, December 3rd is recognized globally by the United Nations as International Day of Persons with Disabilities; and
WHEREAS, Canada is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disability, and two out five Nova Scotians live with a disability; and
WHEREAS, Nova Scotia has proclaimed the Accessibility Act that recognizes accessibility is a human right and set a goal of an accessible province by 2030; and
WHEREAS, International Day of Persons with Disabilities promotes an understanding of disability issues and the importance of equal access for Nova Scotians with disabilities and in all aspects of society; and
WHEREAS, through public awareness, community partnerships, and municipal accessibility initiatives this day aims to foster an environment of equal participation of individuals with disabilities within the Town of Bridgewater.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Town Council for the Town of Bridgewater, do hereby proclaim December 3rd, 2024 as “International Day of Persons with Disabilities" in the Town of Bridgewater.
Signed this 25th day of November 2024 at Bridgewater, in the County of Lunenburg, in the Province of Nova Scotia, and proclaimed at the November 25, 2024, Regular Meeting of Bridgewater Town Council.
Bridgewater hosts launch of Michelin Cities Business Incubators Agreement
On Monday, October 21, 2024, the Town of Bridgewater welcomed the world as our community of about 9,000 residents played host to partners of the International Network of Michelin Cities (INMC) and the organization celebrated the launch of the new INMC Corridor of Incubators Agreement.
“The International Network of Michelin Cities plays an important part in Bridgewater’s place at both the national and international table,” explained Bridgewater Mayor David Mitchell.
“The signing of the Corridor of Incubators Agreement further demonstrates Bridgewater’s commitment not only to growing the local economy but doing so by attracting and scaling up sustainable and innovative business,” he added.
“I am thrilled that Bridgewater once again leads the way by being a founding signatory of this agreement with our Canadian sister locations in Pictou County and Magog, Quebec.”
A delegation from INMC founding city, Clermont-Ferrand, France, led by that city’s Deputy Mayor Jérôme Auslender, arrived in Bridgewater on Sunday night for the event.
The day-long visit included a morning meet and greet at Town Hall with Mayor Mitchell, the new Town Council-elect, and staff. The visiting delegation then travelled to the Michelin Bridgewater facility for a full tour.
From there, a luncheon was hosted at the NSCC Lunenburg Campus in Bridgewater where the INMC Corridor of Incubators Agreement was officially launched.
Guests included the Honourable Becky Druhan, Minister of Education and MLA Lunenburg West, Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Mayor-elect Elspeth McLean-Wile, Town of Lunenburg Mayor-elect Jamie Myra, along with representation from Invest NS, the Nova Scotia Community College, the Pictou County Partnership, Valley Regional Enterprise Network, Bridgewater and Area Chamber of Commerce, Lunenburg Board of Trade, and many members of the local business community.
Joining the Town of Bridgewater among the initial seven agreement signatories from Canada are Pictou County, Nova Scotia, and the City of Magog, Quebec. European signatories include the cities of Clermont-Ferrand, France; Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain; Braga, Portugal; and Regensburg, Germany.
The international agreement establishes a corridor to facilitate partnerships among INMC cities to host innovative start-ups and create an opportunity for them to expand internationally.
“We now have a direct connection for our existing businesses here in Bridgewater that will support business growth and development as the International Network of Michelin Cities expands from the original seven members to 23 locations around the world,” said Donna Hatt, the Town of Bridgewater’s Economic Development Officer.
“It’s great for the region and it’s great for our businesses in particular.”
NEW! 2024 Election Results
The 2024 Nova Scotia Municipal Election concluded with the close of polls at 7 p.m. local time on Saturday, October 19, 2024.
The official results from the Town of Bridgewater Returning Office are as follows:
David Mitchell was acclaimed as Mayor of the Town of Bridgewater.
The results for the candidates competing for the six Town Council seats in the Town of Bridgewater in the 2024 Municipal Election are listed below in order according to the total votes each candidate received.
The top six candidates, highlighted in bold, have been elected to Bridgewater Town Council for the 2024 to 2028 term.
Cheryl Fougere – 1,504
Stacey Colwell – 1,456
Jennifer McDonald – 1,343
Eric Whynot – 1,303
Mike Conklin– 1,209
Braden Newell – 1,092
Donette Getson – 962
Jane Morrell – 763
David Carter – 634
Total number of eligible electors in Bridgewater in 2024 was 7,158. A total of 2,154 ballots were cast, representing 30.1% of eligible voters.
We invite and encourage the entire community to sincerely thank each of the nine residents who put their names forward as candidates, dedicating their time, energy, and enthusiasm to canvassing door to door, meeting with residents, participating in candidate forums, and much more.
Centennial Trail Bridge set to re-open on Friday afternoon
The Town of Bridgewater team working on the restoration of the Centennial Trail Bridge has completed its work ahead of schedule. Some additional landscaping work around the bridge site is being completed today and this section of the Centennial Trail, including the bridge, is expected to fully re-open to public use at about 4 p.m. on Friday afternoon.
A total of 27 new treated bridge timbers, as well as new decking and railing, have been installed following the fire on the bridge this summer.
We wish to express our enthusiastic thanks to all the staff who worked on this project (part of the project team is pictured in the photo included with this post), both on site and behind the scenes – your hard work made re-opening this important trail corridor for our community possible.
The Town would also like to once again extend its thanks to Buck’s Home Building Centre, which donated a total of about $4,600 in building materials to support the reconstruction of the bridge decking and railing.
Again, thank you to everyone who worked on this important project!
Woodland Gardens -- Hemlock Conservation Project update
The Town of Bridgewater’s Hemlock Conservation team will begin work next week, around October 15, on Sections 4 and 5 at Woodland Gardens at the east end of the park in the Duck Pond area. Some additional work also remains in Section 3, which runs from the pond northward parallel with Parkdale Avenue.
Signage and barricades will be in place in the park alerting users to which areas are closed to public access as work proceeds. It is extremely important for the safety of park users to abide by any signage or closure barricades that you encounter, and avoid entering any active conservation work areas.
Southwest end of the trail/park off Exhibition Drive extending toward Elizabeth Avenue. This closure has been extended to Wednesday, September 11, to allow for work to be completed.
South-central portion of the park, extending from Elizabeth Avenue to the pond, extending south to the Fern Avenue/Jubilee Road area. This area will include the Tiny Tots Playground area next to the O’Regan’s Subaru Outdoor Swimming Pool.
North side portion of the park, extending from the pond northward toward Walnut Street, running parallel with Parkdale Avenue.
North side of the park, extending from the pond northward toward Crescent Street and Park Street.
South side of the park, extending from the pond southward toward Jubilee Road and eastward toward Alexandra Avenue. the Town This area will include the space that borders on the meadow to the rear of DesBrisay Museum.
These dates are tentative and weather dependent. If closure dates need to be extended as a result of weather conditions, additional updates will be provided to the public.
For more information about Bridgewater’s Hemlock Conservation Project, please visit
Booo-tiful Bridgewater
A day filled with fun activities to get you in the Halloween spirit!
📆Saturday, October 26, 2024
📍Woodland Gardens, behind the DesBrisay Museum, 130 Jubilee Road, Bridgewater
Carve a pumpkin in anticipation of the Magical Pumpkin Path Contest! We will have pumpkins and tools to help you create your prize winning pumpkin or you can bring your own and avoid making a mess at home. Bring a donation to PROKids! Pumpkins for carving will be available on a first come first serve basis, while supplies last. Children must be accompanied by an adult. You can register your pumpkin in person for the pumpkin walk then come back for judging and pick-up in the evening.
Walk through a magical world of carved pumpkins glowing in the night! Get a ballot and vote for your favorite Jack-o'-lantern or enter your creation and add it to the path! Register your pumpkin before 5:00 pm and pick your spot along the path. Bring a donation to PROKids! Voting ends at 7:45 pm. Pick up your pumpkin and find out the winner at the end of the movie 8:15 pm!
🏆Adult 18+ prize $50 Bridgewater Farmers Market Money!
🏆Youth 10-17 prize $50 Bridgewater Farmers Market Money!
🏆Kids 0-9 prize $50 Bridgewater Farmers Market Money!
RSVP for this event by clicking here.
Disney Pixar's COCO will be played on a giant outdoor screen! Bring a lawn chair and a blanket to keep warm! Snacks & hot cider available with a donation to PROKids!
💡✨GLOW WALK! 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Join us for a nighttime walking exploration around the duck pond. The walking path will be illuminated with sparkling lights, and glow sticks will be provided. Feel free to bring a flashlight and roam freely with friends and family!
Image Description: Event poster with images of dancing skeletons, pumpkins, and COCO movie logo, all the same information as this post.
Candidates Forum 2024
The Town of Bridgewater Candidates Forum took place on Thursday, October 3, 2024, at the Bridgewater Royal Canadian Legion. The event was proudly presented by the Bridgewater and Area Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Town of Bridgewater.
Host for the evening was the Chamber's Executive Director Jennifer Naugler. The forum was moderated by Sal Falk of the Lunenburg Barnacle.
To learn more about the election and candidates in Bridgewater, please visit
Meet the Candidates - October 5 at DesBrisay Museum
>>> Another "Meet the Candidates" session this Saturday
Are you interested in getting some one-on-one time with the candidates for the 2024 Municipal Election here in the Town of Bridgewater? Then this is your chance!
Join them tomorrow, Saturday, October 5, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at DesBrisay Museum for a meet-and-greet style session where you'll have the chance to circle the room and meet many of the candidates for Town Council seats in this October's election.
If you'd like to know more about each of the candidates who will appear on the ballot in Bridgewater, you can check out the bios provided by each candidate at and, for complete election information, you can visit
We invite you to share this message.
Proclamation > Right to Know Week
WHEREAS the Town of Bridgewater has adopted the principles of openness, transparency and accountability; and
WHEREAS Part XX of the Municipal Government Act gives citizens a right of access to information in the custody or under the control of the Town of Bridgewater; and
WHEREAS access to information ensures citizens of Nova Scotia have the opportunity for meaningful participation in the democratic process; and
WHEREAS a celebration of the right of citizens to access information will facilitate informed public participation in policy formulation, ensure fairness in government decision-making and permit the airing and reconciliation of divergent views; and
WHEREAS the Town of Bridgewater joins all other Canadian jurisdictions and democracies world-wide in acknowledging international Right to Know Week;
THEREFORE be it resolved that Town Council for the Town of Bridgewater hereby proclaims September 23 to September 29, 2024, be Right to Know Week in the Town of Bridgewater.
Signed this 9th day of September, 2024, at Bridgewater, in the County of Lunenburg, in the Province of Nova Scotia.
- Upcoming Hemlock conservation-related closures at Woodland Gardens
- Nova Scotia Power notice -- emergency outage
- Bridgewater Transit adding longer service hours on Fridays, new Sunday service
- Canada Day 2024 location changes announced
- Public Notice > Glen Allan Park temporary closure July 2 to 7, 2024
- Town Hall early closure on Wednesday, June 19, 2024
- Community Connections Day 2024
- Fresh Air Films 2024 season
- Hemlock Conservation Project
- Town Council approves 2024-2025 budget; residential and commercial property tax rates unchanged
- Community Housing Information Session
- Sewer cleaning through the end of March
We're no strangers to severe weather events here in Atlantic Canada. Hurricane season, which runs from June through the end of November annually, and the nor'easter weather bombs of the winter months often make life challenging.Here you can find information that can be especially helpful for you leading up to, during, and after the storm. We've included quick links to the latest Environment Canada forecast and warnings for the Bridgewater area, the Nova Scotia Power outage map, and some additional helpful links from the Nova Scotia Emergency Management Office on how to prepare to weather the storm for 72 hours (or more).
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