Public Participation Meeting -- Proposed Land Use By-law amendments re: 34 Foleys Lane rezoning
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The Town of Bridgewater will host a public meeting on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. where the public can learn about proposed amendments to the Land Use By-law to rezone 34 Foleys Lane from the Single Unit (R1) to the Two Unit Residential (R2) Zone.
The property is located off King Street, just northwest of Highway 103, in an area predominantly composed of single-unit dwellings. The enclosed map shows the location of the subject property.
The meeting will be held in Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 60 Pleasant Street in Bridgewater. Registration is required by Monday, December 16, at 4:00 p.m.
To register, contact the Community Development Department at 902-541-4371 or e-mail
For more information about the application, contact Connor MacQuarrie, Planner I, at 902-530-4081 or e-mail
Visit for more details about the application and the process.
NOTICE > December 2, 2024, Discussion Session cancelled
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>>> December 2, 2024, Discussion Session
The public is advised that the regularly scheduled Discussion Session meeting of Town Council scheduled for Monday, Decmeber 2, 2024, is cancelled. This meeting has been cacnelled because there are no agenda items for this session.
The next Regular Meeting of Town Council will take place as usual at 6 p.m. on Monday, December 9, 2024, at Town Hall in Bridgewater.
Notice of Public Hearing - Sale of Land to Small World Learning Centre
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On Monday, December 9, 2024, Bridgewater Town Council will hold a Public Hearing (beginning at approximately 6 p.m.) to consider the following request from Small World Learning Centre:
Small World Learning Centre (SWLC) is looking to expand its childcare centre and add up to 90 new spaces. This change would double its current capacity.
As such, at the November 12, 2024, Regular Meeting of Town Council, staff recommended that Town Council:
1) Deem a 3-acre portion of the land of PID60023298 (image attached, as represented in red), as surplus; and,
2) Provide the land to SWLC for a value of $1, including all legal and surveying costs associated with the conveyance; and.
3) Authorize the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreement pending the outcome of Council's decision.
Members of the public who wish to speak for or against these recommended motions Council will have the opportunity to do so at the Public Hearing on December 9 before Council makes its final decision.
For more information, please phone 902-541-4371.
Upcoming Public Hearing - Proposed Map Amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law
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Public Hearing
Proposed Map Amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law
Bridgewater Town Council is considering amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law to allow for the rezoning of 44 North Park Street from Industrial (M1) to Two Unit Residential (R2).
A Public Hearing will be held by Council at 6:00PM on December 9, 2024, in Council Chambers at Town Hall (60 Pleasant St, Bridgewater), at which time oral presentations and written submissions concerning the proposed amendments will be considered. This is the final opportunity for public input.
A copy of the proposed amendments may be obtained from the Community Development Department. For more information, please contact Sana Karami, Planner I, at 902-541-4384, or via email at:
Public Hearing -- Institutional Uses
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There is a Public Hearing scheduled for Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6 p.m. during a regularly scheduled meeting of Bridgewater Town Council regarding proposed amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use By-law (LUB).
These amendments would remove the definition of institutional uses from the LUB, add certain institutional-type uses to the list of permitted uses in appropriate zones, update the definition for rehabilitation and treatment centre, add a definition for emergency shelter, and remove the permission for institutional uses with a residential nature to locate in the Historic Downtown Commercial (C1) and LaHave Commercial (C2) zones.
At this meeting, the public can provide comments in favour of or opposed to the amendments, and Council will then make its decision on whether or not to approve the amendments.
For more information, please visit and select this application from the list.
Public Participation Meeting -- Proposed flood risk amendments
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>>> Proposed flood risk amendments
There is an upcoming meeting on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 6 p.m. that is an opportunity for the public to learn about proposed amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law.
The focus of these amendments is to update policy to protect against flooding along the LaHave River while still encouraging development in the downtown.
These amendments may include updating the location of the LaHave River Development Agreement Area (which includes all properties abutting the river), not permitting residential development below a certain elevation, and requiring floodproofing of new construction.
The meeting will be held in Council Chambers at Town Hall (60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater).
Registration is required by Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at 4 p.m.
To register, please contact the Community Development Department at 902-541-4371 or
The meeting will include a presentation by the Planner and will provide the opportunity for the public to ask questions and provide comments.
For more information about the application, contact Planner II, Mackenzie Childs, at 902-530-4081 or
Visit for more details about the application and the process.
Public Participation Meeting >>> Institutional uses in the Downtown
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>>> Institutional uses in the Downtown
There is an upcoming public meeting on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to learn about proposed amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law. The focus of this work is to explore the permission of institutional/support uses locating in the downtown core and the interface these uses have with the commercial core.
The focus area is the downtown, which is composed of the Historic Downtown Commercial (C1) Zone and the LaHave Commercial (C2) Zone. The map attached shows the location of the C1 and C2 Zones. These amendments would not affect any existing businesses or organizations currently located in this area.
Currently, institutional uses are permitted in the C1 and C2 Zones. On July 8, 2024, at the Regular Meeting of Bridgewater Town Council, Council directed staff to begin work on proposed amendments, which was spurred from a conversation about the John Howard Society during the meeting.
Council noted that the institutional use had led to increased police response and presence in the area, and had been raised as a concern by nearby businesses and residents. Council discussed the appropriateness of that use on King Street. However, the John Howard Society is actually permitted as an office use, not an institutional use. Other uses, such as the YMCA Youth Centre, the Red Cross, realtor offices, and insurance offices are currently permitted on King Street as offices too. The Ark is permitted as an institutional use stemming from its focus of adult education.
There is a lot of analysis being conducted on this matter and staff are exploring possible amendments, but due to the complexity there are no proposed amendments written at this time.
This public meeting will be to discuss the intent of Council, the analysis so far by staff, and to hear the public’s thoughts on this matter.
The meeting will be held in Council Chambers at Town Hall (60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater). Registration is required by Tuesday, October 29 at 4:00PM. To register, contact the Community Development Department at 902-541-4371 or
For more information about the application, contact Planner II, Mackenzie Childs, at 902-530-4081 or
Visit for more details about the application and the process.
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TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 168 of the Municipal Government Act, Town Council for the Town of Bridgewater, by resolution on May 13, 2024, gave 2nd and Final Reading to Chapter 217 - A By-law to amend Chapter 24-Public Sewer By-Law with respect to the enabling of on-site sewage disposal systems within the Town of Bridgewater with terms and conditions.
FURTHER TAKE NOTICE the above noted By-law may be inspected by clicking on pdf "Chapter 217-A By-Law to Amendment Chapter 24-Public Sewer By-Law" (202 KB) .
DATED at Bridgewater, in the County of Lunenburg, Province of Nova Scotia, this 15th day of November, 2024.
Amanda Shupe, Municipal Clerk
Public Notice >>> Upcoming changes to Council Meeting schedule
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>>> Late October meetings of Town Council
This notice is to advise the public of the following changes to the Bridgewater Town Council meeting schedule in the month of October:
The final full Regular Meeting of Town Council for the current term will take place on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, following the Thanksgiving Monday holiday. As usual, the meeting will begin at 6 p.m.
The next Regular Meeting of Town Council would typically take place on Monday, October 28, 2024. However, this meeting is cancelled.
Instead, there will be two Special Meetings of Bridgewater Town Council taking place on Tuesday, October 29, 2024.
The first Special Meeting, beginning at 6 p.m., will conclude any remaining old business of the outgoing Town Council, which has served from 2020 to 2024.
The second Special Meeting, which will immediately follow, will be the swearing-in ceremony for the newly elected Town Council that will serve from 2024 to 2028.
Regular Meetings of Bridgewater Town Council will resume on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
As always, the proceedings of each of these meetings will be livestreamed on the Town's Facebook page and archived following the meeting on the Town's YouTube channel.
Town Council's meetings take place in Council Chambers, located at 60 Pleasant Street in Bridgewater. Agenda packages for all Town Council meetings are posted as they become available at
Public Notice > Council consideration to sell parkland on Winburn Avenue
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Council Consideration to Sell Parkland on Winburn Avenue
Town Council is considering selling three (3) lots that are currently designated as parkland, by deeming the land no longer required as parkland. An expression of interest was received from InTouch Homes to purchase them for development. The lots in question are PID’s 60659364, 60050184, 60050176 and are known collectively as Winburn Avenue Park. The lots are designated as Open Space on the Future Land Use Map of the Municipal Planning Strategy and are zoned Park (P) on the Zoning Map of the Land Use By-law.
Currently these lots appear vacant, but staff intend to create a naturalized park with a meandering trail and naturalized play elements. Winburn Avenue Park is classified as a Neighbourhood Park in the Open Space Plan (2021), which are parks strategically located within a neighbourhood intended to be accessed through active means. They provide a combination of features and facilities that foster both active and passive recreation opportunities – offering space for relaxation, socialization, and children’s play.
This park is the only park in the northeast area of town; it was conveyed to the Town in 2008 as part of the Winburn subdivision process through a requirement for parkland dedication. The next closest park for this area is Glen Allan Park, located across from the hospital. The map below shows the service areas for parks in town and the walking distances to them.
Council will decide to sell the lots or maintain them as parkland at a Council meeting at 6:00 p.m. on October 15, 2024, in Council Chambers at Town Hall (60 Pleasant St, Bridgewater). The public will have a chance to provide comments through the following methods:
- Submit written comments to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . - Call staff to provide comments and share concerns at 902-541-4368.
- Schedule to speak at the Council meeting for up to 10 minutes as a delegation by calling 902-541-4389 or using the form at
- Attend the meeting to speak to Council for up to 2 minutes.
Upcoming Public Hearing -- Proposed Amendments to Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law
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Bridgewater Town Council is considering amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy & Land Use By-law to exempt a change-of-use and associated signage from a new development agreement process in the LaHave River Development Agreement Area.
A Public Hearing will be held by Council at 6:00 p.m. on October 15, 2024, in Council Chambers at Town Hall (60 Pleasant St, Bridgewater), at which time oral presentations and written submissions concerning the proposed amendments will be considered. This is the final opportunity for public input.
For more information about the proposed amendments, contact Planner, Jessica McDonald at 902-541-4368 or
Upcoming Public Hearing -- Proposed Amendments to Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law
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>>> Proposed Amendments to Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law
Bridgewater Town Council is considering the following amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy & Land Use By-law regarding the Special Commercial (C8) Zone:
- To permit a change of use from “Automobile, Parts, Sales and Services” to a “Household Repair Service” at 76 Dominion Street (located in the C8 Zone); and
- To rezone eight (8) Special Commercial (C8) Zone properties with discontinued commercial uses.
A Public Hearing will be held by Council at approximately 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, in Council Chambers at Town Hall (located at 60 Pleasant Street in Bridgewater), at which time oral presentations and written submissions concerning the proposed amendments will be considered. This is the final opportunity for public input.
For more information or for a copy of the proposed amendments, please contact Connor MacQuarrie, Planner I, at 902-521-2582, or via email at:
- PUBLIC NOTICE of 2nd READING- A By-Law to Amend the Public Sewer By-Law
- Public Participation Meeting -- Proposed Amendments To Municipal Planning Strategy And Land Use By-Law
- Public park closure notice -- July 29 to August 1, 2024
- Public Hearing -- Proposed Text Amendments to the Land Use By-law
- Hemlock Conservation Project July 22-25 at Pinecrest Playground and Sperry Ninos Park
- Public Participation Meeting - Amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law
- PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed text amendments to the Land Use Bylaw
- Special Council Budget meeting on Tuesday, April 2, 2024
- Council meeting location change - September 11, 2023
- Upcoming Town Council meetings notice
- Invitation to Serve on Commission
- Special Meeting of Town Council to take place on Monday, June 19, 2023