60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 3X9
Tel: 902-543-4651 Fax: 902-543-6876
Emergency After Hours Tel: 902-543-5142

Nova Scotia Health Authority
90 Glen Allan Drive
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
B4V 3S6
Contact: 902-543-2365
Phone: Jo-Ann Mead, Volunteer Resources Consultant
Nova Scotia Health Authority provides health services to Nova Scotians and some specialized services to Maritimers and Atlantic Canadians. We operate hospitals, health centres and community-based programs across the province. Our team of health professionals includes employees, doctors, researchers, learners and volunteers that provide the health care or services you may need. Partnerships are important to us. We work in partnership with community groups, schools, governments, foundations and auxiliaries and community health boards. Whether we are hosting wellness programs in the community, conducting innovative research in labs, or helping a patient recover in hospital; we are creating a healthier Nova Scotia.
Lunenburg PRIDE
Nova Scotia
Contact: Steve Ellis, Chairperson
Lunenburg PRIDE is a non-profit organization providing advocacy, awareness, and resources for LGBTQ*
South Shore Sexual Health
109 Logan Rd
Bridgewater, NS
Phone: (902) 527-2868
South Shore Sexual Health is a sex positive education and resource centre for all ages that offers services, support, and supplies. We are pro-choice, youth-friendly and 2SLGBTQ* positive. We believe that everyone should have access to quality, non-judgmental sexual education and resources in order to make informed decisions.
Community Links
Contact: Meagan MacDonald (Regional Coordinator - Lunenburg)
Phone: (902) 489-2177 
Community Links is a province-wide organization that supports the establishment of age-friendly, inclusive communities in Nova Scotia by linking individuals and organizations to promote needed changes.
Lunenburg County Community Health Board
C/o Fishermen's Memorial Hospital, 14 High Street, P.o. Box 1180
Contact: Lisa Pomfrey-Talbot
Phone: (902) 634-7359
CHBs advocate for actions to promote and improve health & wellness based on what communities say is most important. Guided by their Community Health Plans, they develop partnerships with local community groups and they award Wellness Fund grants to local community projects. There are currently 37 CHBs in Nova Scotia, each consisting of a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 15 members and are selected using an open and transparent process. https://www.communityhealthboards.ns.ca/
Flourish 55+ Healthy Active Cooperative
678 LaHave St
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
Contact: Lisa LeBlanc, Executive Director
Phone: 902-543-2226
Flourish 55+ Healthy Activity Cooperative is a not-for-profit organization that promotes Mental, Social and Physical Recreation for people in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County and the South Shore of Nova Scotia.
Lunenburg County Seniors Safety Program
c/o Bridgewater Police Service, 45 Exhibition Drive
Bridgewater, NS
B4V 0A6
Phone: 902-543-3567
Safe Communities Lunenburg County
Contact: David Walker, Chair
Phone: 902-543-5782
Children's Wish Foundation of Canada, South Shore Chapter
Cassandra Williams, Coordinator, 415 Bruhum Rd.
Branch Lahave, Nova Scotia
B4V 4H9
Contact: Cassandra Williams
Phone: 902-543-0186
Family Resource Centre, Lunenburg County - "Better Together"
Phone: 902-543-3119
The South Shore Family Resource Association (SSFRA) is dedicated to work together with families to promote the well-being of children through partnerships, programs and resources. The South Shore Family Resource Association (SSFRA) provides free programming to families with children prenatal to eighteen + in Lunenburg, Queens, Shelburne and Digby Counties. Programs vary from site-to-site. Programming is delivered through four Family Resource Centres and numerous outreach sites, which are located throughout the South Shore and Digby County of Nova Scotia.
Health Services Foundation of the South Shore
P.o. Box 492, 90 Glen Allan Drive
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
B4V 2X6
Contact: Arleen Stevens, Executive Director
Phone: 902-543-4604, ext.2542
Fax: 902-543-1054
Since 1993, the Health Services Foundation of the South Shore raised necessary funds to enhance and improve the quality of health care services and equipment at South Shore Regional Hospital in Bridgewater and Fishermen’s Memorial Hospital in Lunenburg.
CNIB Foundation
6136 Almon St.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3K 1T8
Phone: (902) 453-1480
Toll Free: 1-800-563-2642
Founded in 1918, the CNIB Foundation is a non-profit organization driven to change what it is to be blind today. We deliver innovative programs and powerful advocacy that empower people impacted by blindness to live their dreams and tear down barriers to inclusion. Our work as a blind foundation is powered by a network of volunteers, donors and partners from coast to coast to coast.
The Ark
655 King Street
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
B4V 1B5
Phone: (902) 543-1189
A community organization dedicated to providing services to people with challenges. Since 1964, The Ark has provided a place for supported employment, job training and programs in health and education.
Regional Emergency Management Organization (REMO), Lunenburg County
Phone: (902) 930-1085
Toll Free: After hours: (902) 543-8650
REMO stands for Regional Emergency Management Organization. The Lunenburg County REMO supports the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, the Municipality of the District of Chester, the Town of Bridgewater, the Town of Mahone Bay, and the Town of Lunenburg for emergency management response. REMO assesses emergencies through an “all-hazard approach” of prevention & mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. A Regional Emergency Response Plan has been developed to guide actions and decisions during an emergency response whether the event involves a single municipal unit, a number of municipal units, or all municipal units.
Diabetes Canada, Atlantic Region
c/o Workspace, 405-145 Hobson's Lake Drive, PO Box 25199
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3M 4H4
Contact: Lisa Holmes, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 902-430-6347
Diabetes Canada is the nation's most trusted provider of diabetes education, research, resources, and services. We've helped millions of Canadians affected by diabetes understand it, manage it, and combat complications since 1953.

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