60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 3X9
Tel: 902-543-4651 Fax: 902-543-6876
Emergency After Hours Tel: 902-543-5142

Click this image for info on Affordable Housing
including the 2024-2027 Bridgewater Housing Action Plan
Energize Bridgewater Home Upgrades Program
Click the image to learn more!
Click on the image to learn more about Bridgewater Town Council
For more information on Bridgewater Transit, please click the bus!
Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre
Click the image for info!
Bridgewater Community Gardens -- click to learn more!
Centennial Trail
Click the image to Explore Bridgewater!
King Street Court
LaHave River at Sunrise

Bridgewater's Strategic Priorities
Bridgewater Town Council sets its Strategic Priorities with a multi-year and long-term view and reviews these priorities on an annual basis.

The Strategic Priorities form the basis of Town Council’s Operating and Capital Budget planning process and, in turn, are reflected in departmental workplans and employee performance goals and evaluations. Thus, organizational priorities are set, implemented, and evaluated through this process.

For the latest quarterly update on Bridgewater's 2024-2025 Strategic Priorities, click here.

The vision for Bridgewater is that all members of our community enjoy life in a progressive, healthy, safe, diverse and inclusive community with a strong sense of civic pride.

Through progressive governance and strong leadership, we serve the people, organizations and businesses who live, work, learn and play in Bridgewater. We strive to meet their social, economic, environmental, health, cultural and safety needs through direct service offerings and effective partnerships.

Core Values
We believe in using decorum and a set of defined principles when interacting with our public, staff and each other.

We want to go above and beyond our mandated obligations as public officials. We stress the importance of council members being ethical and truthful and as such, we are committed to the values of honesty & integrity. We endeavor to treat everyone with courtesy and respect.

We believe we should be approachable, receptive and willing to listen.

We listen out of a desire to understand the many views and opinions of all stakeholders, including the people, organizations and businesses that live, work, learn and play in our community. Listening with objectivity, sensitivity and openness, and basing our decisions on a balance of the interests of all, we believe that we should be confident in our decision making and uphold and support the decisions we make as a council, recognizing that these decisions affect our stakeholders and are made on their behalf.

We believe that we hold a public trust in setting the vision, establishing strategic priorities, and providing progressive governance for our town.

To ensure an environment of trust we endeavor to be transparent in our dealings, readily sharing pertinent information with the members of our community.

We value our Town employees:

For their commitment to excellence and their contribution to the success of our town. We recognize our responsibility to our employees and seek to provide equal opportunities for every employee to develop to their maximum potential. We will provide training and development opportunities to all employees. We will ensure that we recognize our staff for their contribution to our town. Above all, we value the trust that exists between council members and staff and will make every effort to uphold this.



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