60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 3X9
Tel: 902-543-4651 Fax: 902-543-6876
Emergency After Hours Tel: 902-543-5142

The Public Service Commission of Bridgewater is a water utility, governed by its own Act, known as "An Act Respecting the Public Service Commission of Bridgewater"which falls within the jurisdiction of the provincial Public Utilities Act.  The PSC is a separate entity from the Town of Bridgewater and as such has control over its own budget. The PSC's main objective is to supply the Town of Bridgewater with a sufficient and safe supply of water for drinking and everyday living. The PSC, as it is also known as, makes all necessary replacements, renewals, betterments, additions, and extensions to the water treatment plant and equipment. The PSC is also responsible for the water rates and charges for the Town which are approved by the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board. The Commission consists of 6 members, majority of which are Councillors. There is no limit to the number of years a citizen can serve on the Commission as a sworn in member.  To view more on the PSC, click here.

  pdf An Act Respecting the Public Service Commission of Bridgewater (66 KB) (click here to view)

Andrew TANNER, Chairperson & Councillor 
David MITCHELL, Vice-Chairperson & Mayor
Mike CONKLIN, Councillor
Jennifer McDONALD, Councillor
Al McMULLIN, Citizen Representative
Murray MacDONALD, Citizen Representative
CAO Tammy CROWDER, Board Secretary
Amanda SHUPE, Municipal Clerk/Recording Secretary

** click on any given year for approved minutes for that year ** 


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