The Administration Department ensures that the administrative responsibilities of an “effective and efficient” municipal unit are carried out in accordance with the Municipal Government Act. This department includes the Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Municipal Clerk, Executive Assistant, the Communications Manager, and a Grants Coordinator.
Town Administration is responsible for ensuring that all services are delivered to Town residents and Town Council in an effective and efficient manner. Administration, headed by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), also ensures policies and by-laws adopted by Town Council are implemented and followed and the town adheres to the legislation and guidelines imposed by the Municipal Government Act and other relevant legislation. The CAO's office provides suport services including reporting, recording and facilitating all matters of significance to Town Council. The CAO acts as a liaison between Town Council and all departments, Committees, Boards and Commissions, Provincial and Federal Governments and neighbouring municipalities, as well as interest groups in the areas assocated with social, environmental, and economic development of the Town. In addition, the CAO's office provides support on Communication matters.
The Municipal Clerk and Executive Assistant work together as a team to ensure that the day-to-day administrative functions are carried out with a minimal amount of disruption to the organization. With their combined expertise and knowledge, they serve as resources as each individual directly and/or indirectly deals with various aspects of the Town’s government structure. Their duties vary according to their specific jobs, however some of the duties include, but are not limited to: acting as recording secretaries for Council and its various Committees and Commissions; maintaining filing system and permanent records register; maintaining Policies and By-laws for the Town; as well as, a wide variety of word processing duties that range from daily correspondence to complex reports.
General Enquiries
Tel: (902) 543-4651
Fax: (902) 543-6876
Department Staff
If you wish to contact any of the staff listed below via email, click on the appropriate name.
Chief Administrative Officer
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
Municipal Clerk
Executive Assistant to Mayor/CAO/Deputy CAO
Manager of Community Attraction and Communications
Economic Development Officer
Grants Coordinator
Community Navigator