60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 3X9
Tel: 902-543-4651 Fax: 902-543-6876
Emergency After Hours Tel: 902-543-5142

Planning Banner 2019
The Community Development Department provides the link between how land is used, where development happens and how our community responds and thrives as a result. Focused on planning and development control, sustainability and recreation, the Community Development Department creates active, healthy, sustainable communities through engagement with the residents of Bridgewater and progressive planning practices. 

Land-use planning enables the Town to establish both long and short-term goals for growth and development, while considering social, economic, and environmental implications. Through certain planning processes, interests and objectives of individual property owners are balanced with the greater interests and objectives of the Town. The Planning Department must be contacted prior to the commencement of any development in Bridgewater, be it a residential deck addition or a large multi-unit commercial or residential development.

The Department is located on the first floor of the Town Hall. For a directory of Department staff, click here.

Good planning helps a community set goals about how it will grow and develop, and to work out ways of reaching those goals, while keeping important social, economic and environmental concerns in mind.

The Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS), Land Use By-law (LUB) and Subdivision By-law (SDB) are the primary planning tools used by Nova Scotian municipalities to plan and design communities. No development can be permitted in Bridgewater which is contrary to the policies and regulations of the Municipal Planning Strategy, Land Use By-law and Subdivision By-Law. Please see the FAQ section or contact the Department directly with any questions you may have. 

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Ask UsHave a question related to Planning? Sometimes the fastest way to get an answer is to speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff!

phoneTel: 902-541-4369

emailEmail Us: develop@bridgewater.ca

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