60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 3X9
Tel: 902-543-4651 Fax: 902-543-6876
Emergency After Hours Tel: 902-543-5142

Contact person

Leon de Vreede, Sustainability Planner / Coordinator


Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30



Planning Department
Town of Bridgewater
60 Pleasant Street
Bridgewater, NS  B4V 3X9

Telephone: 902.541.4390

Fax: 902.543.6876

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sustainability News & Updates

Bridgewater won $5 million through the national Smart Cities Challenge competition!  The money will be used to fund energy poverty reducction strategies in the community.  Learn more about the Energize Bridgewater program.

Ask Us

Ask UsHave a question related to Planning? Sometimes the fastest way to get an answer is to speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff!

phoneTel: 902-541-4369

emailEmail Us: develop@bridgewater.ca

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