60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 3X9
Tel: 902-543-4651 Fax: 902-543-6876
Emergency After Hours Tel: 902-543-5142

This page provides updates on the progress the Town of Bridgewater has made in implementing its ICSP and MCCAP.  The Town started producing sustainability progress reports in 2011.  Click on the links below to read about our annual accomplishments:

No annual reports were produced prior to 2011.  Below are brief descriptions of sustainability projects completed between 2006 and 2011.  These projects were funded fully or in part through the Gas Tax program, which is described below.

Fiscal Year 2009-2010

  • Several upgrades funded to Lunenburg Regional Community Recycling Centre
  • Water infrastructure upgrades at several Town-owned facilities
  • Sanitary sewer replacement on Empire St.
  • Pedestrian and cycling road planning work for Aberdeen and North
  • Several upgrades to Waste Water Treatment Plant
  • ICSP completed
  • Active Transportation upgrades and education programming
  • Acquired new mapping software

Fiscal Year 2008-2009

  • Installation of new UV disinfection system at Waste Water Treatment Plant
  • Several upgrades to Waste Water Treatment Plant
  • New waste receptacles installed in public spaces
  • Energy audits completed of all Town-owned facilities
  • Public consultations for ICSP
  • First-ever Sustainability Festival hosted
  • Active Transportation education programming

Fiscal Year 2007-2008

  • Several upgrades to Waste Water Treament Plant
  • Active Transportation & Connectivity Plan completed
  • Full-time Sustainability Planner hired

Fiscal Year 2006-2007

  • Several upgrades to Waste Water Treatment Plant

How is the Town funding its sustainability work?

Our sustainability initiatives are funded through the municipal tax base as well as a variety of other sources. The largest dedicated funding source comes through the federal "Gas Tax Agreement". The government of Canada has committed to transfer funds equivalent to a portion of the federal tax on gasoline to municipalities. This fund is called the Gas Tax. From 2005 to 2013, the Gas Tax was tied to sustainability projects identified in the ICSP.  However, since 2014, this is no longer the case, and the Gas Tax can be used for a variety of municipal infrastructure projects.  The Town also regularly applies for other funds from the Province of Nova Scotia and the Federal government to help pay for sustainability projects. Cost-sharing projects with our municipal neighbours is also an important strategy for us.

Sustainability News & Updates

Bridgewater won $5 million through the national Smart Cities Challenge competition!  The money will be used to fund energy poverty reducction strategies in the community.  Learn more about the Energize Bridgewater program.

Ask Us

Ask UsHave a question related to Planning? Sometimes the fastest way to get an answer is to speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff!

phoneTel: 902-541-4369

emailEmail Us: develop@bridgewater.ca

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