Affordable public transit in and around Bridgewater has been a front-burner issue for many in our community over the past decade.
After a series of community consultations and extensive research by the consulting team of CBCL and Dalhousie University, Bridgewater Town Council received a final report exploring if Bridgewater is ready for a transit system and what type of service would meet the needs of our community.
The report recommended a single 20-passenger bus, travelling a 45-minute loop around Town, connecting where people live with the various employers, services, and destinations. Other matters considered in the report include costs to ride the bus and to operate the system, locations for bus stops, types of ticket systems, and what hours the service would run.
In 2017, Town Council moved forward with a six-month pilot project that focused on a 16-kilometre service loop in Bridgewater, running on the hour. The pilot runs through the end of March 2018, at which time Town Council will need to make a decision on the future of the bus service.
Click here to download a copy of the transit study, and see what may be in store for public transit in our community. Copies of the report are also available through the Town’s Planning Department.
You can also click here to download the full Feasibility Study.
And you can click here to download the presentation that was given to Bridgewater Town Council.
Click the map image to download a large version of the proposed bus route that was originall developed as part of the feasibility study.
For a link to the map currently being used by the service during the pilot program, click here.