What is a Source Water Protection Plan?
A Source Water Protection Plan identifies potential risks and hazards to a municipal drinking water supply. The Plan outlines simple, straightforward, and proactive approaches to prevent drinking water problems from occurring. This will be achieved through the six different management options:
1. Acquisition of Land
2. Education and Stewardship
3. Best Management Practices (BMP)
4. Contingency Planning
5. Designation
6. Bylaws
Nova Scotia Environment has developed a multiple barrier approach with three lines of defense:
MAINTAIN clean source water by selecting the highest quality water source and protect it from contamination.
TREAT source water to remove natural and man-made impurities.
MONITOR source water quality consistently and take swift, corrective action when deficiencies are identified.
How was the Plan developed? Who is involved?
In 2011, a Source Water Protection Advisory Committee was established, to assist the Public Service Commission of Bridgewater (PSCB) effectively manage and maintain a source water supply for the Town of Bridgewater and surrounding area.
The development of a Source Water Protection Plan is a requirement of the Utility’s Approval to Operate from the Nova Scotia Environment.
The Source Water Protection Advisory Committee is comprised of:
- a member of the public who lives in the source water protection area
- a local representative from each of the agriculture, forestry and resource extraction
- a representative from the local environment interest group (the Coastal Action Foundation)
- a member of Bridgewater Town Council
- a member of the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Council
- technical representatives from the PSCB
- a staff representative from the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
- and representatives from each of the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, Nova Scotia Public Works, the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Nova Scotia Environment.
What does the Source Water Protection Plan identify and propose?
The plan identifies and rates RISKS to the water supply. Risks are evaluated, on a priority ranking, based on how certain types of land uses and activities - or the location of uses and activities - may lead to potential issues in the drinking water supply. The plan also documents the "Management Options" that have either been completed or seen as part of a future implementation plan. Management Options is a general term used to describe what proposed response can be undertaken, involving the Public Service Commission, to reduce the potential risk in delivering safe drinking water.
What communities are included in the Source Water Protection Plan?
The plan covers the natural watershed, which is a much larger geographical area than is the designated protected area. The natural watershed includes the communities of Hebbville, Wileville, Newcombville, Lapland, Laconia, Waterloo, Camperdown, Hebbs Cross, and Chelsea - all land that drains or “sheds” water into the Petite Riviere. Within the natural watershed is the designated protected area, this area is covered by regulations under the Environment Act which allows a water utility to oversee regulated activities that may impair water quality within a source water supply area.
Regulations Respecting Activities in the Hebb, Milipsigate and Minamkeak Lake Watershed Protected Water Area
Restricted Activities
1. No person shall at any time in the year operate a motorized vehicle of any kind on, through, or over Hebb Lake and Milipsigate Lake, without first obtaining the permission of the Water Works Operator.
2. No person is permitted to swim, bathe,or wash in Hebb Lake.
3. No person is permitted to release or cause or permit the release of any substance that impairs water quality, including any of the following:
- oil
- petroleum products
- soap
- detergent
- toxic chemicals
- pest control product waste
- garbage
- litter
- solid or liquid waste
Other activities that are covered by the regulations include:
- Prohibition on landfills
- On-site sewage disposal
- Discharge of domestic sanitary waste
- Forestry operations
- Agriculture
- Pest control products
- Erosion and sediment control
- Pits and quarries
- Stormwater management
- Mining Activities
Permits and approvals
For greater certainty all activities within the Protected Water Area must be conducted in accordance with the Environment Act and regulations, including any requests for approvals.
For a complete copy of the Regulations Respecting Activities in the Hebb, Milipsigate and Minamkeak Lake Watershed Protected Water Area made by the Minister of Environment and Labour please visit:
If you notice any of the listed activities, please contact: PSCB at (902) 543-5142 or Nova Scotia Environment at 1-800-565-1633.
For illegal dumping concerns please contact:
Lunenburg Community Recycling Center – (902) 543-2991
Justin Cleveland (Compliance Officer) – (902) 543-4277 or e-mail
For further information about the Source Water Protection Plan, please contact:
Public Service Commission of Bridgewater
c/o Justin Penny
60 Pleasant St., Bridgewater, NS B4V 3X9
The purpose of this public notice is for the Public Service Commission of Bridgewater to advise the public that the Watershed Area surrounding Hebb Lake and Milipsigate Lake, prescribed in 1964, and the designation of the area surrounding Minamkeak Lake as a Protected Water Area, designated in 1981, have been cancelled. Further that the same areas noted above surrounding Hebb, Milipsigate and Minamkeak Lakes, has been designated as a Watershed Protected Water Area complete with Regulations respecting activities in the Hebb, Milipsigate and Minamkeak Lake Watershed Protected Water Area by the Honourable Mark Parent, Minister of the Environment and Labour, on 13 July 2006.
A copy of the Honourable Mark Parent’s Designation is available from the Public Service Commission of Bridgewater, Engineering Department, 60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, NS B4V 3X9 or on the Town of Bridgewater’s website (below) and includes:
The Public Service Commission of Bridgewater would like to thank the Petite Riviere Watershed Advisory Group for their hard work in the facilitation and guidance of the new designation and regulations and we would like to thank the public who gave input and assisted in the process.