517 King

Address: 517 King St. Heritage Status: None
Built: circa 1900 Builder/Architect: Unknown
Style: Main Street Commercial



Originally, the building had 2-3 feet of corbelled cornice work above the second storey windows (since removed), and the storefront was drastically different. Elements of the building that have been mostly conserved include the arched lintels over the second storey windows, and the pillars defining each bay.



This property was owned by William Cashon, a merchant from 1880-1909. The building is assumed to have been completed circa 1900, as the Bridgewater Bulletin in August 15, 1899 states, “Cashon’s brick building is rapidly assuming a habitable aspect”. In 1909, the property was purchased by the prominent businessman George A. Hubley as he converted it to a dry goods store. It was next purchased by the Steadman Bros. in 1952. Notably, there was a fire in the building in 1959 that caused extensive damage.

Source: Built Heritage Files, DesBrisay Museum
