Upcoming Hemlock conservation-related closures at Woodland Gardens
The Town of Bridgewater’s Hemlock Conservation team will begin work in Woodland Gardens in early September as part of the next phase of efforts to protect our community’s Hemlock trees against the invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid species.
Work in the park will take approximately one month to complete and, as a result, specific sections of Woodland Gardens will be closed to public access on a week-by-week basis. The portions of the park where work is not actively underway will remain open to public use.
Signage and barricades will be placed in the park alerting users to which areas are closed to public access as work proceeds. It is extremely important for the safety of park users to abide by any signage or closure barricades that you encounter, and avoid entering any active conservation work areas.
SECTION 1 > September 3 to 11, 2024 COMPLETED
Southwest end of the trail/park off Exhibition Drive extending toward Elizabeth Avenue. This closure has been extended to Wednesday, September 11, to allow for work to be completed.
SECTION 2 > September 10 - 22, 2024 COMPLETED
South-central portion of the park, extending from Elizabeth Avenue to the pond, extending south to the Fern Avenue/Jubilee Road area. This area will include the Tiny Tots Playground area next to the O’Regan’s Subaru Outdoor Swimming Pool.
SECTION 3 > September 23 - October 2, 2024
North side portion of the park, extending from the pond northward toward Walnut Street, running parallel with Parkdale Avenue.
North side of the park, extending from the pond northward toward Crescent Street and Park Street.
South side of the park, extending from the pond southward toward Jubilee Road and eastward toward Alexandra Avenue. the Town This area will include the space that borders on the meadow to the rear of DesBrisay Museum.
These dates are tentative and weather dependent. If closure dates need to be extended as a result of weather conditions, additional updates will be provided to the public.
The following are tentative dates that we have planned closures if the weather is in our favour, if the weather isn’t, then we might have to extend the closures.
For more information about Bridgewater’s Hemlock Conservation Project, please visit www.bridgewater.ca/HWA.
Nova Scotia Power notice -- emergency outage
>>> Issued at 11:17 a.m., July 19, 2024
Per Nova Scotia Power, there will be an emergency outage taking place in the Bridgewater area shortly. The outage is expected to last about 30 minutes in duration.
This outage will allow NSP crews to safely repair equipment at the substation in the area.
Please visit https://www.nspower.ca/outages for more information.
Bridgewater Transit adding longer service hours on Fridays, new Sunday service
>>> Transit will now offer service later on Friday nights and on Sundays
Bridgewater Transit has come a long way since the service was launched as a pilot project back in September of 2017. What started off with two well-used buses, gifted to our community by Halifax Regional Municipality, has become a thriving and critical service to many of Bridgewater’s residents.
Now, as we approach the 7th anniversary of Transit service in our community’s 125th anniversary year, the Town of Bridgewater is excited to announce that we’re adding additional hours to the service for at least the next year.
Starting this week, Bridgewater Transit’s Friday service will be extended later into the evening by three hours. Previously, transit ran from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Fridays. Moving forward, Friday service will now run from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Transit will also now operate in our community on Sundays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., beginning this week, providing an entire additional day of service.
“Transit in Bridgewater has become a core service and one that directly positively impacts so many of our people,” said Mayor David Mitchell. “Extending hours and the addition of Sunday service will make Bridgewater Transit even more accessible to those who have come to rely on it.”
Since Bridgewater Transit began service in 2017, as of July 8, 2024, a total of 194,719 rides have been provided by the bus.
That’s an average of about 27,000 rides per year, or on average 92 riders per day over 2,106 total days of passenger service provided to date.
You can track the bus online in real-time on our Transit Tracker map at www.bridgewater.ca/bus or in the Town of Bridgewater app, available for download for free at www.bridgewater.ca/app.
Canada Day 2024 location changes announced
>>> Forecast rainfall means Multicultural Festival and Kitchen Party will both be moving indoors to the Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre
With rain in the forecast for Monday, July 1, Canada Day on the LaHave will be moving indoors to the LCLC, located at 135 North Park Street in Bridgewater.
The festivities will start with the South Shore Multicultural Association's Multicultural Festival, which will run from 11 to about 4 p.m. Opening ceremonies and an official welcome will take place at approximately 12:30 p.m.
The King Street Kitchen Party will become the TOB125 Kitchen Party and will follow the Multicultural Festival in the Galleria at the LCLC from 4 to 8 p.m.
Performers and activities for the day include:
Dance, family and children's activities, craft vendors, food trucks, and, including:
- The Chinese Arts and Culture Society
- Bridgewater Fire Department Band
- Wontanara Drum and Dance
- James Jermey - Ko'jua Dancer
- Jayson Surette - Grass Dancer
- Miranda Roy - Jingle Dancer
- The Behrooz Mihankhah Quartet
- Oasis Belly Dancers
- Agni Bollywood Dance Crew
- LIVE MUSIC with Donna & Andy, Kaylyn turner, Amanda Riley, and 3 AM
- Baggles the Clown
- Halifax Henna
- The Pirates of Halifax, made possible by The Peeler Family in loving memory of their son, and former Town of Bridgewater Events Coordinator, Alex Peeler
- Games on the Go
- Sparkle Tattoos with Norena's Glitter Girls
- Discovery Centre mobile exhibits
- BBQ hosted by Rick Perkins form 5 to 7 p.m.
- Girl Guides Smores fundraiser
- Bridgewater Lions Club will be on site with FREE popcorn
FREE TRANSIT SERVICE will also still be offered from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. thanks to the Bridgewater and Area Chamber of Commerce.
For more info, visit www.bridgewater.ca/canada. We invite you to share this message.
Public Notice > Glen Allan Park temporary closure July 2 to 7, 2024
Folks who frequent Glen Allan Park in Bridgewater are advised that the park will be temporarily closed to the public from July 2 to July 7, 2024, to allow Bridgewater's Hemlock Conservation Project staff team to treat Hemlock trees in the park with a Health Canada approved IMA-JET pesticide as part of our efforts to combat the invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA). Signage will be posted at the park's entrances accordingly.
The pesticide being used is approved for use by Health Canada and is safe to use. However, out of an abundance of caution, we are asking the public to abide by this closure notice and to stay out of the park during the entirety of the closure period.
The pesticide is delivered to the trees via an injection system method. This treatment process will take approximately three days to complete and the park will remain closed to the public until 48 hours after the treatment has been completed.
The Town of Bridgewater apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this closure and we thank you for doing your part in helping us save our community's Hemlock trees. When the park has re-opened to the public we will post an update accordingly.
We invite you to share this message and, for more information on HWA and the Hemlock Conservation Project, please visit www.bridgewater.ca/HWA.
Town Hall early closure on Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Town Hall and Town of Bridgewater public offices are closing at 11:45 a.m. on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, so staff can attend the annual Staff Appreciation event. Offices will re-open as usual at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday.
Community Connections Day 2024
>>> ADDED! Free swim courtesy of the Town of Bridgewater, now TWO HOURS!
Are you a newcomer to the South Shore, looking to get involved with the community? Have you lived in the area for years, but want to discover new ways to have fun this summer?
Community Connections Day is the place to learn about the fun and exciting ways for you and your family to get involved, right here in Bridgewater. Visit the Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre on Saturday, June 8, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and discover what makes our community an awesome place to live!
This open house showcases over 50 of Bridgewater’s clubs, teams, community & volunteer groups for both kids and adults. We're also excited to add that as part of this event a FREE public swim will take place at the LCLC from 12 noon to 2 p.m., courtesy of the Town of Bridgewater as we celebrate our 125th anniversary year!
Community Connections Day is the perfect place to meet the neighbors, learn how to sign up for programs and camps, or register to volunteer!
For info about family-friendly programs taking place in the library that day, check out their Calendar of June Events: https://www.southshorepubliclibraries.ca/events/
Questions? Please e-mail
Adult Learning Opportunities (ALO)
Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia
Atlantic Canada Language Academy
Big Brothers Big Sisters South Shore
Bluenose Shuffleboard Club
Bridgewater and Area Kinsmen
Bridgewater Fire Department & Band
Bridgewater Tae Kwon Do
Bridgewater Transit
Bridgewater Triathlon Club
Canadian Red Cross
Coastal Action
Dave's Multisport
Energize Bridgewater
Family Matters Family Home Childcare Agency
Flourish 55+ Healthy Activity Society
Friends of the DesBrisay Museum
FUN Ukulele Jam
Health Services Foundation of the South Shore
Hemlock Wooly Adelgid Info Table
Kings Volunteer Resource Centre (VolunteerNS)
LC Judo Club
Live Strong Lifestyle Studio
Lunenburg County Community Health Board
Lunenburg County Hikers
Lunenburg County PRIDE
Lunenburg County Regional Emergency Management Organization
Lunenburg County Senior Safety Program
Lunenburg County Wheels
Nova Scotia Health - Volunteer Recruitment
Nova Scotia Nature Trust
Nova Scotia Works Employment Solutions Society
Region 6 Solid Waste Management
Seaside Acappella
Souls Harbour
South Nova Tai Chi
South Shore Chorale Society
South Shore Family Resource Association (Better Together Family Resource Centre)
South Shore Fieldhouse Society (HB Studios Sports Centre)
South Shore Multicultural Association
South Shore Open Doors Association
South Shore Pickleball Club
South Shore Players
South Shore Public Library
South Shore Refugee Project
South Shore Transition House Association (Harbour House)
South Shore Waldorf School
South Shore Work Activity Program
Newcomer Settlement Teacher - SSRCE
The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg - Recreation, Parks, & Tourism
Town of Bridgewater's Recreation Department
Ultimate Frisbee
Victorian Order of Nurses
YMCA of Southwest NS
This list of participating organizations is, of course, subject to change.
The 2024 Community Connections Day is proudly coordinated and hosted by the Town of Bridgewater!
We invite you to share this message.
Fresh Air Films 2024 season
The Fresh Air Films season is back with a bang in 2024 as the Town of Bridgewater marks its 125th birthday with a FULL summertime lineup featuring a hit open-air movie screening every Friday night in July and August!
Join us along the banks of the LaHave River at Shipyards Landing and get cozy under the stars for a night of free family friendly entertainment. Bring a blanket or lawn chair, get cozy, and enjoy the big screen. All films start around dusk - estimated times included below.
Snacks and soft drinks will be available for purchase at the canteen, with proceeds going to support the Town of Bridgewater's PRO Kids program.
July 5 – Cars (apx. 8:30 p.m.)
July 12 – Migration (apx. 8:30 p.m.)
July 19 – Barbie (apx. 8:30 p.m.)
July 26 – Aladdin (apx. 8:30 p.m.)
August 2 – The Greatest Showman (apx. 8:15 p.m.)
August 9 – Kung Fu Panda 4 (apx. 8:15 p.m.)
August 16 – Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (apx. 8:15 p.m.)
August 23 – AUDIENCE CHOICE – details to come! (apx. 8:15 p.m.)
Guardians must stay with children under 13.
If raining, check Town of Bridgewater Facebook page for cancelation or alternative programing. Bring a water bottle, and blanket or lawn chair. Bathroom facilities will be available on site.
Fresh Air Films is a Town of Bridgewater program. For more information, phone 902-543-2274.
Hemlock Conservation Project
None at this time.
On August 7, 2024, Town of Bridgewater staff gave a presentation at a public information session about the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) and the Bridgewater Hemlock Conservation Project. If you missed this event, but are interested in still seeing the presentation, you can download it as a PDF to view on your own time by clicking here.
Questions? Please click here to submit your queries to the HWA team.
What is the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) ?
Hemlock woolly adelgid is an aphid-like insect (aphids suck fluid from plants) that attacks and kills hemlock trees by feeding on nutrient and water storage cells at the base of needles. In Canada, eastern provinces are at-risk due to proximity to HWA populations in the states. In 2017, HWA was found and is now being closely monitored in the southwestern Nova Scotia counties of Digby, Queens, Shelburne, Yarmouth, Annapolis, and, most recently, Lunenburg in 2020.
An image showing what an infestation of HWA looks like on the underside of hemlock needles.
Bridgewater’s Hemlock Conservation Project
Bridgewater’s Hemlocks are undergoing severe decline as a consequence of HWA infestation. Without a natural predator, HWA multiplies rapidly, leading to a 90 to 95% mortality rate in Eastern Hemlocks within 4-15 years unless treated. The “Bridgewater Hemlock Conservation Project” aims to address this infestation through:
- An extensive tree inventory and site preparation (continuously monitoring hemlock tree health)
- Pesticide treatment (IMA-JET 5% & XYTECT 2F, approved for use by Health Canada)
- Community engagement and outreach
Town of Bridgewater Hemlock Conservation staff will be out and about in parks and on trails this summer undertaking this work.
Help us spread the word!
Throughout areas where the Hemlock Conservation Project is taking place, such as Glen Allan Park, Woodland Gardens, Pinecrest Playground, etc. you will see GREEN and YELLOW ribbons tied to hemlock trees.
These ribbons are NOT in place to mark trees for cutting, but rather are used by the Conservation team to identify trees that have already been assessed and/or treated.
Please do not disturb the ribbons.
About the Eastern Hemlock
The Eastern Hemlock is a conical tree reaching up to 30 meters in height, characterized by shiny green needles with a pale underside and oval-shaped cones. It's bark starts off scaly and deepens into cracks with age. It thrives in moist soils and shade, serves as vital wildlife habitat and is valued for its ornamental appeal and commercial use in woodworking.
Q. We have old growth hemlock trees on our property. Will the Town help us preserve them?
A. The Bridgewater Hemlock Conservation Project is actively working towards saving the Hemlock trees in town parks and trails for now. We hope to have some resources for private property owners soon, but there is not yet a public program in place. Please an eye on this website for any updates.
Our team has prepared some public information PDF's that may help you to preliminarily identify hemlock trees and to check if your trees may be infested with HWA.
- Click here to download our doc how to identify if your trees are Hemlock trees
- Click here to download our doc on how to identify if your Hemlock trees have Hemlock Woolly Adelgid present on them
Q. Who do I contact if I find HWA on my Hemlock trees?
Please click here to submit your queries to the HWA team. Please allow up to two business days for a response to your query.
Q. What can I do to limit the spread of HWA?
- Wear clean footwear and clothes when going into forested areas.
- Clean campers, cars, and gear, including lint rolling and washing clothing when leaving potentially infested areas. This is especially important when travelling from Southwest Nova Scotia to other parts of the province or into other provinces.
- Do not collect or move materials from one site to another, including firewood.
- Do not transport lumber from potentially infested areas.
Q. Are the pesticides being used in Bridgewater parks safe for the public?
The pesticide being used is approved for use by Health Canada and is safe to use. However, out of an abundance of caution, we are asking the public to abide by this closure notice and to stay out of the park during the entirety of the closure period. Once the closure period has ended, these spaces will be safe for all public use again.
After the treatment process is completed, the spaces will remain closed to the public until 48 hours after the treatment has been completed.
Town of Bridgewater apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this closure and we thank you for doing your part in helping us save our community's Hemlock trees. When the park and playground have re-opened to the public we will post an update accordingly.
Town Council approves 2024-2025 budget; residential and commercial property tax rates unchanged
Bridgewater Town Council passed its 2024-2025 Capital and Operating Budget on Monday, April 8, 2024, with no increase in property tax rates for residential or commercial owners in the community.
Total budgeted operating expenses for the coming year will amount to just over $32 million, an increase of about $3.3 million over the previous year’s budget. On the capital side of the ledger, Bridgewater’s new capital expenditures are budgeted to total $8.4 million.
“We have a large challenge ahead of us relating to wastewater, and so our capital budget is quite significant. It’s the only way to address the problem and facilitate continued development of new housing units, including much-needed affordable housing, and something we cannot ‘put off’ for another day,” explained Mayor Mitchell.
“Like every municipality in the province, our roads need work and this year we will continue to work on paving streets and sidewalks, with about a million dollars of work being done – some welcome news for many is that Empire Street, from York to Hillcrest, is being paved this year.”
Unlike other levels of government, the mayor noted, municipalities cannot budget for or run a deficit – something that makes budget time extra challenging for elected officials and Town staff.
“We were not immune to the pressures of inflation and the extreme increases in costs for materials and projects,” Mayor Mitchell said. “Staff made reductions and cuts where they could, while maintaining the level of service our residents and businesses expect, and ensuring that we are able to continue the process of addressing our wastewater capacity issues.”
► Residential tax rate remains at $1.85 per $100 of assessment.
► Commercial tax rate remains at $4.07 per $100 of assessment.
► The commitment toward capital projects this year includes:
- A total of $5.1 million will be invested in wastewater infrastructure to support residential and business growth and development. Ongoing investment in wastewater infrastructure will also have a positive impact on the environment and the health of the LaHave River.
- A total of total of $918,000 is being invested in road-related upgrades, including paving projects on Empire Street and Pearl Street, and approximately $600,000 dedicated to other pavement renewal projects throughout Bridgewater that will take place late this summer. A total of $140,000 is also earmarked for sidewalk upgrades.
- Ongoing investment in infrastructure and services work in the Bridgewater Business Park and the lands surrounding the new Exit 12A interchange, amounting to approximately $5 million.
► The Town’s commitment to core services and strategic priorities remains strong, including allocations for Fire Protection ($1.8 million), Bridgewater Police Service ($4.3 million net), and the Lunenburg County Regional Emergency Management Organization ($52,000).
► Council is also investing in several initiatives designed to enhance quality of life in the community and enhance Bridgewater’s profile as a desirable destination:
- Roughly $158,000 will be going toward a park preservation project, designed to safeguard Bridgewater’s parkland trees against the invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid.
- The Town is investing $1.5 million total in recreation facilities, including the Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre, the O’Regan’s Subaru Outdoor Swimming Pool, and the community’s ample parks and trails networks.
- Bridgewater is investing more than $92,000 in community events, such as Canada Day on the LaHave, Christmas on the LaHave, Harvest Moon Music Festival, and the acclaimed Music on the Riverbank concert series.
- Council has also set aside $38,000 for TOB125 celebrations, marking the 125th anniversary of Bridgewater’s incorporation – this sum will augment a grant of $24,000 received from the Government of Canada to mark the anniversary.
- The Town is providing $70,000 in funding to its Low-Income Property Tax Exemption program, as well as $11,500 to ProKids, $45,000 to local non-profits through the Grants to Organizations program, and $123,000 in support of qualified tax-exempt properties owned by non-profit organizations.
Interim tax bills will be mailed in April and will come due by Friday, May 31. Final tax bills will be mailed in August and come due on Friday, September 27.
Budget information, including the complete operating and capital budgets, is available at www.bridgewater.ca/budget24.
Community Housing Information Session
>>> Taking place on Thursday, March 21, 2024
Are you interested in learning more about renting out rooms or creating an apartment in your home? Did you know that you can help create much-needed housing for existing and new employees at businesses, as well as students attending NSCC within our community?
To learn more, you're invited to join us at a Community Housing Information Session on Thursday, March 21, 2024, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Bridgewater Baptist Church, located at 564 Glen Allan Drive in Bridgewater.
The session is designed to provide an opportunity for community members to:
✅ Meet with program managers from the Province of Nova Scotia, HappiPad, and the NSCC Lunenburg Campus
✅ Engage with contractors and renovation resources
✅ Talk with municipal representatives about zoning, fire and building codes, etc., and with accountants regarding income/taxes
✅ Meet with folks who have been sharing their homes and renting rooms within their homes
✅ Learn about Energize Bridgewater and the Home Upgrades and Clean Energy Financing programs
✅ Connect with community service groups and more!
This session is presented in partnership with the Town of Bridgewater, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, Energize Bridgewater, the United Way of Lunenburg County, and the Bridgewater & Area Chamber of Commerce.
For more information, call Bridgewater's Community Navigator, Rebecca Baccardax, at 902-521-8974.
Sewer cleaning through the end of March
>>> Sewer cleaning begins this week on the east side of Bridgewater
Sewer cleaning will be taking place in on the east side of Bridgewater beginning this week and running through March 28, 2024, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and weather permitting.
There may be short-term stop-and-go traffic, guided by traffic control personnel, in parts of the east side during this important maintenance work. Please expect to encounter the occasional brief delay through the end of the month.
Sewers are underground pipes that carry wastewater from homes and businesses to the wastewater treatment plants where it is treated and then released to the river. Everything you pour down your drains or flush down your toilet goes into a sewer.
The cleaning and inspection program keeps the sewer system operating efficiently by:
- Helping prevent blockages and backups.
- Removing built-up debris, such as tree roots, grease, grit and sand.
- Determining the condition of the sewer so we can repair or replace sewers as necessary.
We use a high-pressure nozzle to flush water down the sewer. The dirt and debris are sucked up through a manhole by a large vacuum truck and taken to the landfill.
It usually takes about one day to clean the sewer on each block. However, some sewers can take longer, depending on their size and condition.
Yes - occasionally during cleaning and inspection, air pressure in the sewer can cause water to splash out through toilets, sinks and drains.
We generally recommend that you take the following precautions to prevent water damage in your home:
- Close the lids on all toilet bowls when not in use.
- Insert drain plugs in all sinks and bathtubs when not in use.
- Remove all floor mats in bathrooms.
- Place an old towel around the base of toilets.
- If you have a float plug in your floor drain or a backwater valve installed in your house, ensure that it is free of debris and operating properly.
- Wrap the cover of your basement floor drains with plastic (i.e., a freezer bag). Place something heavy over the floor drains to keep the plastic-covered floor drain covers in place.
You may put things back as they were when the equipment has moved off your block.
Sometimes the sewer cleaning and inspection leaves an odour in the home. If so, run some water down the sink and bathtub drains, flush the toilets, pour a pail of water into each basement floor drain and open the windows. After a short time, the odour should disappear.
Yes. However, be careful as air pressure in the sewer during the cleaning and inspection can sometimes cause water to splash out through toilets, sinks and drains. Remember to close the lids on all toilet bowls when not in use and insert drain plugs in all sinks and bathtubs when not in use.
In most cases, we will put a notice in your mailbox before we clean the sewers on your street. If we need to clean the sewer quickly because of a blockage, we won’t have time to let you know in advance.
The Town has two types of programs:
1. A sewer cleaning program only - We move around the Town all year cleaning areas where there are persistent problems and doing emergency work to clear blockages.
2. A sewer cleaning and inspection program - We clean and inspect sewers in selected areas of Bridgewater each year, usually from November to April, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We realize that the equipment is very noisy and may disturb residents. Sometimes this cannot be avoided and we appreciate your patience.
- Ongoing research project in Glen Allan Park
- Upcoming research project in Glen Allan Park
- Sidewalk access - High Street
- National Day For Truth and Reconciliation will be observed with October 2 event in Bridgewater
- Special Meeting of Town Council - Tuesday, October 3, 2023
- Storm waste collection notice - delayed pickup for some Sept. 25 locations
- Hebb Lake Dam update > removal of second log scheduled to allow gradual release of water
- Special waste collection for storm debris week of September 25 to 29
- Public Update >>> Parks, trails, and more updates
- Pavement renewal 2023 work begins this week
- Upcoming Seniors' Safety Academy this fall
- Fall wood and metal collection week
We're no strangers to severe weather events here in Atlantic Canada. Hurricane season, which runs from June through the end of November annually, and the nor'easter weather bombs of the winter months often make life challenging.Here you can find information that can be especially helpful for you leading up to, during, and after the storm. We've included quick links to the latest Environment Canada forecast and warnings for the Bridgewater area, the Nova Scotia Power outage map, and some additional helpful links from the Nova Scotia Emergency Management Office on how to prepare to weather the storm for 72 hours (or more).
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